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My Story

Hello, I’m VaShaunna Renee’, The Woosah Wife, your wellness plug. My goal is to assist and inspire busy wives and moms to get their groove back mentally, physically, and spiritually. 


I am on a mission to help women that look like me reclaim love, peace, and joy.


Almost 20 years ago I married my college sweetheart, and I remember a time when happiness and joy came naturally. I didn’t have to work on it or even be intentional about finding peace, it just, was. Now, after 18 years of marriage, 3 kids, and 4 dogs later, I found myself searching high and low for peace and happiness.


So let the wellness journey begin. When I found myself having anxiety attacks and being constantly sad for no reason at all, I knew it was time to make a change, and invest in myself, my heart, my spirit, and my wellbeing.  I knew that if I couldn't find joy within, I could not provide it for my family. The people that deserved the best VaShaunna, were not receiving it.  


If this sounds familiar, I would love for you to take this wellness journey with me. It’s so much easier having someone with you that has your back and knows exactly what you are going through, someone that hears you and sees you. After prioritizing myself; mind, body, and spirit, and going to therapy, I now have the tools to manage my anxiety and mood shifts in a healthy way. I want to be your plug for wellness through meditation, deep breathing, and exercise. I want other melanin moms and wives to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s YOU! You are the light.

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Reclaiming your joy, peace, and love with the most important person on the planet...YOU.

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My Book

Health starts in the kitchen. 

The correlation between what you eat and how you feel can be either beneficial or detrimental to your mood, energy, and overall happiness.

Check out my cookbook on Amazon for some healthy recipes you and your family will love to eat and cook together. 

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